We've meet Gary at the launching party of the video "I'm in love" featuring Joie Bratz on September 2008. From the get go Gary was eager to work with us. He has been an active actor for more then three years now. Gary's background in the military (30 years to be exact), has been good to get giggs but his experience goes way past the military. Gary is a guy who likes playing, he is not afraid to expose his vulnerability and he has many aspects to his personnality. SO, after a few meetings we decided to work together on "Among Us", a film we're currently producing for the Cannes film festival.

If you're searching for a versatile actor in his 50's, you got the guy. Gary is dedicated and he will not let you down, trust me instead he will push with/on you and help the project.

You can Contact Gary here or on the cell: 604-657-0489